Dermatology Services

Specialized care for diagnosing and treating skin conditions in dogs and cats.

Your pet’s fur, skin and claws can reveal a lot about their health. Bumps, odd growths, and excessive licking are all signs your pet may be experiencing a dermatological problem. They are likely uncomfortable and should be treated immediately. The treatment your pet receives depends on their medical condition but it can vary from topical creams that soothe their itchiness to oral tablets that clean their immune system. If you believe your pet’s skin needs to be examined, feel free to book an appointment by calling 902-794-7387.

How do I know my pet has a skin problem?

Signs your pet may be having a skin problem usually appear as a visible abrasion or through their actions. Intense scratching, blisters on their belly, nail decay and shedding fur are common indicators that their skin is not doing well. Other symptoms include:

  • Bumps
  • Biting their skin
  • Pulling at their fur
  • Hot spots (moist, inflamed parts of their skin)
  • Scooting
  • Flakey skin
  • Swollen paws
  • Puss around their nails
  • Brittle nails
  • Bleeding or discoloured nails

It’s also important to look behind your pet’s ears. These are popular areas for skin conditions to develop and must not be neglected. In some cases, your pet may be showing signs of a skin condition in response to an underlying medical issue, such as a parasite infection or an injury. Not getting your pet examined as soon as possible could lead to their skin condition, and whatever medical issue that may be causing it, to worsen.

How do I keep their skin and fur healthy?

You are your pet’s first line of defence when it comes to their skin care. Routine brushing is an opportunity for pet owners to clean their pet’s fur and search for abnormalities on their body. Using specialized shampoo that can eradicate dry skin and itchiness will protect your pet’s skin. It also helps to stay aware of the environment they play in. Parasites, such as ticks, become highly active during the warmer seasons and can transfer from other pets. If you are vigilant about your pet’s parasite prevention plan, you can help them avoid parasitic infestations on their skin.

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