Nutrition Counselling for Pets

Optimize your pet’s diet with professional guidance.

Nutrition counselling pays special attention to your pet’s dietary needs. It is not just meant for weight loss. Nutritional consultations focus on how often your pet is eating, what they’re eating and what is not good for them to eat. We suggest supplements to support your pet’s nutritional deficiencies and we teach new pet owners how to create a healthy feeding routine for their pet. If you’re interested in enhancing your pet’s diet, call us at 902-794-7387 to book an appointment.

Do all pets receive a nutritional consultation?

Nutritional consultations are not mandatory. However, they can be recommended as a treatment. It’s a form of medical care that helps pets who are overweight, underweight or lacking certain nutrients. Pet owners should use this as an opportunity to learn how to feed their pet to avoid weight issues, which pet food has the best vitamins and minerals, and what types of food to avoid entirely.

How often should my pet have a nutritional consultation?

This depends on your pet’s medical condition and your veterinarian’s recommendation. Your veterinarian may recommend a checkup once or twice a month to monitor their progress and determine if the nutritional plan is effective or if it needs modification. It’s also a great opportunity to share your concerns. We’ll discuss their eating schedule, how they’re responding to it and any difficulties you may be having in enforcing it.

What happens during a nutritional consultation?

It will start like a regular veterinary exam; we’ll weigh your pet, do a blood test and discuss their routine. We’d like to know what they’re eating and how often. Through their records and blood tests, we can detect if they have allergies or are lacking specific nutrients. Then, we will create a specialized treatment plan to help them tackle their medical issues. This will consist of supplements, food, and an eating schedule that will help them achieve their goal. We will then schedule you for a follow up, within an appropriate time, and continue nutritional sessions until your pet’s health has improved beyond our monitoring.

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